Booster dose

Dep. Health Min.: In autumn, we will probably have to get another booster shot

Tomorrow, May 3, the students return to schools, without having conducted a Covid-19 test, but with the obligation of using a mask.

Speaking to SKAI channel, the Deputy Health Minister, Ms Mina Gaga, said that Greece has achieved a satisfactory vaccination rate, so there is no fear of children returning to school.

Doctors in Greece will Pay for Tests if they don’t have a Booster

The Greek Ministry of Health has announced that about 10,000 medics who have not received a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine will have to take two rapid tests a week to work. This will be at their expense, Kathimerini reported.

Health Minister Thanos Plevris clarified that health workers who do not have a booster will not be removed, as is the case with the unvaccinated.

1/3 of Europeans have not yet been Vaccinated. Bulgaria is in Last Place

About a third of the European population has not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19, and Bulgaria ranks last in this indicator. This was said online to journalists by Andrea Ammon, director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, quoted by BTA.

Health minister calls on public to avoid complacency

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca has called on the public to avoid complacency and believing that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 causes a milder disease, urging everyone to get their booster shots.

"We are fighting a variant of the virus that spreads rapidly and causes a milder course of the disease. This should not be passed onto you as complacency," Koca said on Twitter.
