
Nailing the Virus: How One Bosnian Canton Halted a Pandemic

"Our health system has its limits," Salkic said during his interview with country's most popular evening news programme, warning: "We should not fool ourselves but use the two-week-long window of opportunity and prevent this explosion." That evening, Colic took a deep breath and told herself that she had "to take it one day at a time" - something her father told her repeatedly throughout the 19

Tito's Name Still Adorns Streets Across Ex-Yugoslavia

A new Google map (see above) developed by Italian researcher Giorgio Comai shows that there are still 276 squares, streets and waterfronts named after former Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito.

The map, created using data from Google from August 2017, shows that more than half of them are located in Serbia - 176 squares, streets and waterfronts named after Tito.
