Bubanj Potok

New Belgrade-Surčin section of highway opened: This will be the new city center VIDEO

Serbian President Aleksandar Vui attended the opening ceremony of the New Belgrade - Surin section of the "Milo the Great" highway.
Vui pointed out that the number of accidents on the road to aak has decreased since the Milo the Great highway was opened.

New toll station opens at Vrcin

BELGRADE - Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday attended the opening of a new, 25-lane motorway toll station at Vrcin near Belgrade.

With a throughput up to 45 pct higher than at the Bubanj potok station, which it will replace, the new station will make it possible for an hourly 5,600 vehicles to pass through.

Vucic: Corridor 10 to be completed by end of year

Serbia: New 25-lane highway toll station opens near Belgrade

Serbian Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday attended the opening of a new, 25-lane highway toll station at Vrcin, near Belgrade.

With a throughput up to 45 percent higher than at the Bubanj Potok station, which it will replace, the new station will make it possible for 5,600 vehicles to pass through each hour, Tanjug has reported.

New, 25-lane highway toll station opens near Belgrade

Serbian Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday attended the opening of a new, 25-lane highway toll station at Vrcin, near Belgrade.

With a throughput up to 45 percent higher than at the Bubanj Potok station, which it will replace, the new station will make it possible for 5,600 vehicles to pass through each hour, Tanjug has reported.
