Per capita income

Bulgaria Joins High-Income Nations for the First Time, Says World Bank

For the first time, Bulgaria has been classified among the countries with high national income according to the World Bank's classification, as reported by bTV. The World Bank Group categorizes the world's economies into four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high.

Turkey's national income per capita to decrease below $10,000

Turkey's national income per capita has been forecasted to decrease below $10,000 for the next two years, projected to lower to $9,286 in 2015 and $9,364 in 2016 on the dollar-basis rather than purchasing power in the government's new medium-term economic program. 

The national income per capita was $10,390 in 2014. 

Turkey's national income per capita rises upon new formula

The Turkish government has revised its national income per capita from U.S. dollar terms into income based on purchasing power parity amid a dramatic loss in the Turkish Lira?s value against the dollar in its new Medium-Term Economic Program, which was published in the Official Gazette on Oct. 11.