
Pope Francis calls for peace in annual Easter address (videos)

Pope Francis spoke at the Vatican, giving his annual urbi et orbi ("to the city of Rome and to the world") address at the end of Easter Mass. This year, the Pontiff lamented people's suffering, conflicts taking place in the world and violence. He pleaded for the end of violence, especially in Iraq and Syria. He called for humanitarian aid to make its way to places where it is needed.

Obama to host Pope Francis on September 23

US President Barack Obama will host Pope Francis at the White House on September 23, accepting an invitation extended during talks at the Vatican last year.
The White House said the president and the pope will continue a dialogue about poverty, the environment, immigration and promoting religious freedom.

Poland: Priest caught smoking hash accompanied with two… underage boys of the choir

Late Monday night, a young Polish priest was arrested when caught smoking hash accompanied with twounderage boys of the choir 16 years of age and 17 accordingly.

Church authorities were reluctant to comment on the event. “All we know so far is that the priest did not return to his parish. We are looking into the information for his arrest”.

Pope’s gunman Ağca kicked out of Italy

Mehmet Ali Ağca, the Turk who attempted to assassinate John Paul II, was ordered out of Italy on Dec. 29, two days after he paid a surprise visit to the late pope’s tomb.

The 56-year-old former right-wing extremist had been in custody since Dec. 27, when police realized he had entered the country without the appropriate visa.
