
What links a small group of farmers from Farsala to a French couture house?

What links a small group of farmers from Farsala to a French couture house? Cotton - but not just any cotton. Organic cotton grown according to the principles of regenerative agriculture on European soil, using methods that are safe for the environment and acceptable by society's standards.

Wooly weirdness

"It's like eating cotton or felt!" These are the words which came out as I was trying to explain the fruit. We were beneath an oleaster tree in Gallipoli. My travel companions were all wine experts; we were touring the Thracian vineyards and wineries, and this was the only time I found something they did not know before, beyond the grape I mean.

Turkey one of best cotton producers but production declining: Association

Turkey produces some of the best quality cotton in the world, but its production volume has been declining, said the head of the Home Textiles Industry and Business Association (TES?AD) in a written statement. 

"Turkey produces one of the world's highest quality cotton. Our cotton production must increase up to 4 million tons by 2023," said TES?AD head Ya?ar Küçükçal?k.