Charity law
Charities and taxes
Legal entities that develop charitable, nonprofit activity are not businesses. They are active cells of civil society. Their income cannot be taxed as products of personal enrichment.
In the past, foundations operated abusively as vehicles for enrichment. However, the state should separate the wheat from the chaff and not "punish" organizations with proven track record.
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THI Canada teams up with nine foundations to help Greek startups, nonprofit groups
The Hellenic Initiative Canada (THI Canada) nonprofit has joined nine Greek foundations to launch the sixth round of the Points of Support Program, helping organizations with innovative, small-scale initiatives that have significant social impact for the benefit of society, the environment, and vulnerable groups.
Turkish parliament adopts law on prevention of financing of proliferation of WMDs
The parliament adopted a law early Dec. 7, banning commercial activities of organizations and individuals facing sanctions by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Accordingly, collecting or providing funds to such individuals and organizations also stands banned in Turkey.
Greeks trust charities more than state, survey shows
At a time of dwindling faith in Greek institutions, a significant percentage of citizens appear to be putting their trust in charitable foundations, according to a survey for the Dianeosis nonprofit think tank.
Encouraging trend in domestic philanthropy
That is 28 percent more than in 2016, and represents the largest amount of donations ever since there has been philanthropic research in Serbia, which indicates a encouraging trend in domestic philanthropy.
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Government sends draft laws on education to Assembly
The government has adopted the bill on the foundations of the education system and the bill on higher education and sent them to the Assembly for adoption.
The new legal solutions will set the stage for better education:
Donations in Bulgaria Amount to BGN 108 M for 2015
Donated private funds from foundations, companies, natural persons and sole traders for changing the environment in Bulgaria in 2015 amounted to BGN 108,080,832, showed the annual analysis of the Bulgarian Donors Forum.
There has been a decrease of 5% (BGN 5.2 M), compared to 2014.
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The final plan for receipts: Taxpayers to pay up to 40% of their income to gov’t
The number of receipts, that employees and pensioners should collect, will depend on their annual income, according to the final proposal submitted by the Finance Ministry to the Institutions.
Bulgarian Court Increases Prison Sentence of Pazardzhik Imam over Preaching Radical Islam
The Plovdiv Appellate Court has increased the sentence of Ahmed Musa Ahmed, imam in Pazardzhik, over preaching an anti-democratic ideology, incitement of hatred and participation in an unregistered organization, from one to two years of imprisonment.