An Evening Under the Olive Tree: A Unique Festival in Naxos
For the third consecutive year, the cultural event “An Evening Under the Olive Tree” was held in Naxos with great success. This year’s theme, “A Perfect Moment,” was inspired by Angelos Sikelianos’ poem “Because I Deeply Glorified.” The goal was to highlight the importance of living life fully, which can be achieved through genuine encounters with art and culture.
Dessert: It’s all about the presentation
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Greece set to import foreign workers
The list of transferable workers from third countries who will be able to come to Greece within 2023 and 2024 in order to fill some of the vacancies identified in the domestic labor market ranges from unskilled agriculture and construction workers, to butchers and workers in dairy production.
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Street Food & Art Festival in Burgas is a New Concept for an Urban Festival
Street Food & Art Festival is a new concept for an urban festival, its organizer Nikolay Todorov told Focus Radio.
Queen Elizabeth II is Looking For a Chef
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Eat, Marvel: Europe’s first underwater restaurant
For the chef and diners alike, each meal beneath the waves at Europe's first underwater restaurant is a thing of wonder.
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Guide to the New Places in Sofia
Over the past two months, in Sofia were opened so many new colorful and brunch places that we decided to dedicate a whole route to them. Here is what you should not miss on the culinary Sofia map and not only.
The New Italian Dining Experience for Connoisseurs
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Anatolian dishes expand to Netflix
The Netflix documentary "Chef's Table," which tells the stories of world-famous chefs, last week featured the life of a Turkish chef for the first time. Musa Dağdeviren, the owner of the Çiya Kebap and Çiya Sofrası restaurants in Istanbul's Kadıköy neighborhood and the founder of the magazine "Yemek ve Kültür" (Food and Culture), aims to protect generations-old local recipes.
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Chefs from six restaurants in Bucharest, selected to participate in Gout de France / Good France event
Chefs from six restaurants in Bucharest have been selected to take part in the fourth edition of the "Gout de France / Good France" event, which takes place on March 21.
From Athens to the top of the culinary world
Had Stavros Dimos chosen a different path in life, say science and being confined to the laboratory, he may have made some important discovery. After all, he has all the right ingredients for greatness: He's methodical, goal-oriented, dependable, hardworking and talented, not to mention a bit of a nerd.
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