
Çıralı Beach poised to set record as sea turtle nests soar

The number of sea turtle nests on Çıralı Beach in the southern province of Antalya has exceeded last year's figures, with 106 nests recorded and more anticipated, marking a promising year for these endangered creatures.

In 2018, a record was set with 152 nests on the beach located in the Kemer district, where protection and monitoring efforts have been ongoing since 1994.

Caretta carettas under protection on Turkish coasts

Sea turtles, known as caretta carettas, began laying eggs on the coasts as the egg laying season begins in Turkey. The turtle nests on the coasts are being protected by volunteers Endangered caretta carettas and the green turtles (chelonia mydas), which are under protection, began laying eggs on the coast in the southern province of Hatay’s Samandağ district.