Chemical compounds

Athens University teams up with Yale for Covid-19 treatment drug

Researchers from the University of Athens who spearheaded a successful clinical trial into the effects of colchicine in the prevention of complications caused by Covid-19, have teamed up with colleagues at Yale to carry on studying the benefits of the anti-inflammatory drug that was recently approved in Greece and other countries for treating the novel coronavirus.

"Prva Theme": "If you show respect to the disease, you have a good chance"

"I would be more surprised if I got sick at the beginning. When I got sick, we learned a lot. If you respect the disease and do everything in the protocol, you have a good chance," Stevanovic said, adding that no one is immune to this disease.
Professor Dr Danica Grujicic agreed with her colleague, stating that she respected the disease when she was infected in August.

WHO Temporarily Suspends Hydroxychloroquine Tests for COVID-19, Nigeria Goes On with the Trial

Testing of the malaria drug as a possible treatment for coronavirus has been halted because of safety fears, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

Trials in several countries are being "temporarily" suspended as a precaution, the agency said on Monday.

It comes after a recent medical study suggested the drug could increase the risk of patients dying from Covid-19.

Turkish model proves effective in COVID-19 treatment: Minister

Turkey has employed a model that has proved to be very effective in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, the country's health minister has said.

The ability to make fast and smart changes to the treatment protocol is the key to the success to the Turkish model, Fahrettin Koca suggested.

Bulgaria to Sign Two Contracts with China for the Supply of Medicines for the Treatment of COVID-19

The government has approved two draft contracts that the Ministry of Health is about to conclude with China's National Pharmaceutical Corporation for Foreign Trade, the cabinet's press service said.

Under the first contract, MOH will purchase 171,429 packages of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Tablets 100 mg worth $ 582,858,60.

French Scientists Report Successful Results from a COVID-19 Drug Combination

French scientists report successful results from a clinical trial of the combination of two existing drugs - hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin - against the new coranovirus. Their research has been published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.
