Child custody

Swedish “angel” murdered by asylum seeker at refugee center for minors

Swedish media is outraged by the murder of Alexander Mezher at a refugee shelter for unaccompanied children in Sweden. The young woman, aged 22, was a staff member of the shelter and was described by Swedish daily Expressen as an “angel” and a person who was there only because she wanted to do good. “We have cried a lot. She was such a nice person, warm and happy,” they said.

Greek action group says unaccompanied refugee children are sitting ducks for traffickers

The number of unaccompanied refugee children passing through Greece has been a matter of concern. METAction (METAdrasi) – one of the key non-governmental organisations active in caring for unaccompanied refugee children in Greece – is jump-starting a foster care programme to cope with the increased demands raised by the refugee crisis.

Parental abduction: EU helps kids torn between two countries

When one parent unlawfully takes her or his child abroad, the other is left with a difficult judicial battle. To ensure the prompt return of abducted children, more than 90 states, including all EU countries, are signed up to the 1980 Hague Convention, which offers a common legal framework.
