Christian Lindner

Germany: Tremors in the governing coalition – The Liberal Party is considering leaving

Further consequences may follow the outcome of the election in the state of Brandenburg, with the leader of the Liberal Party (FDP) and finance minister Christian Lindner leaving open the possibility of leaving the federal government coalition.

The end for Scholz?

According to the results of the survey, the social democratic head of government is favored by only 19 percent of respondents.
According to the ARD/Infratest public opinion survey, Scholz has one percent less support than in December, which is the lowest value in the Infratest survey on the popularity of a federal chancellor since 1997.

German tax squeeze adds to coalition tensions

Germany has said it expected its tax intake to be smaller than initially expected in 2024, adding to budget tensions dividing the Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition.

Berlin would collect 30.8 billion euros ($33.6 billion) fewer than previously expected in the coming year, according to a biannual estimate published by the finance ministry.

FDP chief says Schaeuble 'not tough enough' on Greece

The leader of Germany's Free Democrats (FDP), Christian Lindner, seen as a likely successor at the finance ministry if his pro-business party enters a coalition with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), has criticized outgoing Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble for not being tough enough on Greece.
