Christianity in the Middle East

Greek pagans gather at Mount Olympus to celebrate ancient gods (photos-videos)

In a country where nearly 99% of the population are officially Greek Orthodox Christian, being devoted to the ancient gods of Olympus is a rarity. But there are some Greeks who are devoted to the country’s ancient religious traditions. They gather every July to worship the deities of their ancestors and take part in an array of events at the mythic mountain nearly 3,000 metres.

“Superman” promotes awareness on Armenian Genocide (video)

Former Superman Dean Cain is taking on a much more serious subject than most men in tights these days. The actor has produced a new film, “Architects of Denial,” which delves into the Armenian genocide and the denial by the Turkish government and other authoritative bodies that atrocities ever took place.

Ieronymos says gov't trying to undermine Orthodox faith

Archbishop Ieronymos has launched a fresh attack on the left-led government, accusing it of trying to undermine the role of Orthodox faith in the predominantly Christian nation.

"You may have sold out Greece's treasures, our trains, our ports; however we will not hand over to you our homeland and our Orthodox faith," Archbishop said in Livadia, north of Attica, Tuesday.
