Circumstellar habitable zone

It would take 2 million years to reach planet K2-18b, scientist says

It will take two million years to reach K2-18b, a rocky planet orbiting in the habitable zone of red dwarf K2-18, according to Angelos Tsiaras of the University College London's Center for Space Exochemistry Data (CSED) and the leader of one of the research teams that last week detected water vapor in its atmosphere.

Scientists discover two potentially habitable ‘super-Earth’ planets just 12 light years away

Two potentially habitable “super-Earths” orbit a star just 12 light years away that is our nearest sun-like neighbour, scientists have discovered.

The worlds at the edges of Tau Ceti’s “habitable zone” belong to a solar system of four rocky planets similar in size to Earth.

Nasa discovers 10 new ‘rocky’ planets like Earth


Nasa has announced the discovery of 219 new suspected planets outside our solar system.

The figure includes 10 that are “rocky” like Earth and which exist in their solar system’s ‘Goldilocks zone’, neither too close to their star, and therefore too hot, nor too far away and too cold for liquid water to exist.

Scientists discover habitable (?) “super-earth” (video)

European astronomers report the detection of a new extrasolar world several times more massive than Earth. The newly found exoplanet, classified as a so-called “super-Earth,” is circling a nearby star designated GJ 625. The researchers detailed their finding in a paper published May 18
