Climate of Antarctica
Weather alert: Areas that will be affected
Strong storms, winds and drops in temperature are the main features
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Antarctic base records hottest temperature ever
A research base in the Antarctic has recorded the hottest temperature ever for the continent amid rising concern about global warming that has caused an increase in the melting of ice sheets around the south pole.
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The Argentinean Base of Esperanza, Antarctica, Recorded the Hottest Day in 59 Years
The Argentinean base of Esperanza, Antarctica, recorded the hottest day since temperature statistics began, the National Weather Service said.
Yesterday, at the Esperanza Research Station, temperatures rose to 18.3 degrees Celsius at noon.
The previous record was 17.5 degrees, measured on March 24, 2015.
Antarctic Ice Melting faster than ever, Studies Show
The Guardian - Ice in the Antarctic is melting at a record-breaking rate and the subsequent sea rises could have catastrophic consequences for cities around the world, according to two new studies.
Antarctica's ice sheet is melting three times faster than before
The melting of Antarctica is accelerating at an alarming rate, with about 3 trillion tons of ice disappearing since 1992, an international team of ice experts said in a new study.