Climate change

Reinforce climate protection, create jobs, and improve competitiveness

With regard to the landmark international climate conference in Paris, it is obvious that 2015 marks a turning point in international efforts to combat climate change. For the first time in 25 years of climate diplomacy we see that all major emitting countries are prepared to take concrete action to reduce or limit.

The Paris conference and Turkey

Before the climate conference in Paris, there were huge "climate justice" demonstrations all over the world. The concept of climate justice is a new one that has emerged in recent years. It demands the addressing of production, consumption and commerce forms that generate climate change.  

UN climate conference begins with global protests

As world leaders gathered in Paris for the United Nations COP21 Climate Conference set to begin on Nov. 30, tens of thousands of people around the world joined one of the biggest global days of climate change activism ever on Nov. 29, to put pressure on world leaders to unite in fighting global warming at the summit in Paris. 

Surging seas: Climate change pics show how world’s cities will change (interactive pics)

Long-term sea level rise due to near-term carbon emissions is threatening major coastal cities across the world. The Climate Change site presents paired images showing iconic locations in London, Shanghai, Mumbai, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Durban and New York to drive home the message of how these areas could fare under scenarios of business as usual vs. a sharp transition to clean energy.
