Climate forcing agents

Cloudiness is Significant Today in Bulgaria, Maximum Temperatures will be Between 9 ° and 14 °

Today the cloudинесс will be significant. Mainly in the afternoon, in some places, slight rainfalls are expected , in the mountains over 1800 meters - snowfalls. The atmospheric pressure is lower than usual. At dusk it will begin to rise. It will moderate northwestern wind, in eastern Bulgaria - northeastern and with it will soon penetrate a slightly colder air.

Today, From the Northwest, the Cloudiness will Increase, Maximum Temperatures Will be Between 0 ° and 5 °

Today, from the Northwest, the cloudiness will increase, at dusk in the southeastern regions. Almost without precipitation. The atmospheric pressure will continue to decrease and will be lower than the average for the month.

Rains are Expected in the Morning, but before noon the Clouds will tear, the Maximal Temperatures will be between 6 ° and 11 °

Today in the morning hours cloudiness will be significant in some places, mainly in the northern and eastern parts of Bulgaria and rainfalls are expected there - conditions for icing. Before noon from the west the clouds will tear down and decrease in most areas to mostly sunny. Atmospheric pressure is and will remain higher than the average for the month.
