Climate of Italy
Mostly Sunny Today in Bulgaria with Maximum Temperatures Between 24°C and 29°C
Once again it will be warmer than normal for the month today. Fog is forecast for some places across the Danube Plain in the morning, and along the Black Sea coast almost throughout the day.
It will be mostly sunny, but cloudy skies in the afternoon over the mountainous regions of Western and Central Bulgaria where some places will see spells of rain and thunderstorms.
Snow possible in some areas of Serbia on Friday
The weather will continue to be cold and cloudy on Friday, with rain in some areas, and snow in mountain regions lying higher than 1,700 meters above sea level.
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Eurozone’s inflation rate increased to 1,1%
Eurozone’s annual inflation rate increased to 1,1% in December from 0,6% in November and 0,2% in December 2015 according to the temporary estimate or flash estimate of Eurostat.
This increase is due to the increase of 2,5% in the prices of energy, which had reduced by 1,1% in November.
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