Constitutional court

Cyber-security Law violates private life, secrecy of correspondence (Constitutional Court motivation)

The Law on cyber security violates the constitutional provisions regarding the rule of law and the principle of legality, as well as the ones regarding the intimate, family and private life, the secrecy of correspondence, respectively, says the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR).


Constitutional Court: Brussels Agreement a political act

BELGRADE - The Constitutional Court of Serbia confirmed on Monday that it has dismissed an initiative to assess the constitutionality and legality of the Brussels Agreement, announcing that the full text of the conclusion and a detailed explanation will be promulgated by publication in the Official Gazette.

Constitutional coup

It is rather odd for a constitutional law professor, worse, chief of a parliamentary constitutional committee chairman to declare, on camera, that if the Constitutional Court decides to annul the 10 percent national electoral threshold, such a decision would not only be void, but lead to questioning the very existence of the top court.

Will the Constitutional Court seize political life?

It used to do it. The Constitutional Court most recently seized the presidential vote in Parliament in 2007, ruling that the quorum was 367, contrary to what had been assumed up to that day.

The reason for this ruling was that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) group in Parliament alone would not have been enough to elect Abdullah Gül.
