
The problem with ‘ticking boxes’

We always had and always will have wildfires in Greece. We will also have big fires that can't be extinguished for days and cause massive destruction - and not only us. Even countries with inexhaustible means and vast firefighting experience, such as the United States and Canada, have experienced wildfires that could not be put out out for days and caused unimaginable damage.

It affects everyone’s lives

Large and destructive wildfires are showing us once again the importance of protecting the environment. It is no longer a theoretical issue or something that concerns a few scientists.

Attica has lost valuable forests in recent years. The effects of natural disasters have a direct impact on the economy, on tourism and on everyone's lives. 

Collaborating on cross-border wildfire research initiative

The Athens Observatory's Meteo unit, the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development and San Jose State University's Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center (WIRC) on Thursday signed a memorandum of cooperation to share know-how and engage in joint research on studying wildfires.

‘University fees should be in line with inflation rates’

Türkiye's Higher Education Board (YÖK) head Erol Özvar has advised foundation universities to make inflation rates a top priority when determining fees.

Speaking to the press in Ankara, Özvar stated that they expect foundation universities to take into account the increase in rates in previous years.

Bulgaria: Police Action against Trafficking Network that Transported Migrants from Turkey to Western Europe

The Bulgarian police took down a human trafficking network from Turkey through Bulgaria to Western Europe.

Five people were detained on the territory of Haskovo. The organizer of the trafficking ring, a Syrian, and four Bulgarian citizens, complicit in the criminal activity, were detained.

According to BNT, the Syrian has humanitarian status in Germany.

Aegean CEO: Three conditions for sustainable tourism in Greece

Infrastructures, human resources and expanding the tourist season are the necessary preconditions for a sustainable development of tourism and of air transport in Greece, Dimitris Gerogiannis, CEO of Aegean Airlines, said on Monday.

He said infrastructures were extremely important for the sustainable development of tourism, of cities and of the country in general.
