Copyright Directive

The EU has finally adopted the Copyright Directive

EU countries have approved copyright reforms that have been strongly supported by publishers. However, American technology giants and Internet freedom activists have opposed these changes, arguing that they can harm the free sharing of information. The revision of the directive has led to a strong lobbying on both sides.

Famous Protest Art Group in Bulgaria Paint Their Feelings About New EU Copyright Law on Gutenberg Statue

The brave new path to a gatekeeper-manned, non-open internet the EU recently cut with its plainly atrocious new copyright directive was, were you to believe the general media coverage, cheered on by EU artists as a blow to Google and a boon to art because... well, nobody can actually explain that last part.

The right decision

The approval by the European Parliament of the much-discussed European Copyright Directive according to which major internet companies will have to pay to content providers for copyright and related rights, is the right decision. 

The EP Rejected the Controversial Copyright Directive

318 votes against and 278 votes in favor of MEPs rejected the contested copyright directive, whose opponents claim to risk imposing unprecedented censorship on the Internet. The project was returned to a committee where it will be seen again in the autumn. The draft proposed by the EU was endorsed with some amendments by a legal commission in June.