
Turkish PM's adviser criticizes German media

Turkish PM's adviser criticizes German media

BERLIN -- An adviser to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the German media for their "hostile" coverage.

According to the German Spiegel magazine, Yigit Bulut "cautioned that they should learn that nobody can so shamelessly attack the Turkish state, its government, and prime minister."

Rebalancing sends bourse turnover and index soaring

The upcoming changes in the composition of the FTSE 25, MSCI Global Standard and MSCI Large Cap Indices as of next week resulted in a massive increase in turnover on the Greek bourse yesterday, exceeding 800 million euros in what was the last session of the month, while the benchmark returned back above the 1,220-point level.

Wearable technologies and the future

One of the hottest topics of the year is wearable technologies. Everybody was talking about cloud computing in the previous years, now it is all about machine to machine (M2M) communication and wearable technologies. One after the other, telecommunication companies and some major brands are entering one or both markets.

Does God punish sinners with disasters?

The tragic accident in a coal mine in Soma, western Turkey, which killed 301 workers deep underground, has led to various discussions in Turkey. Most of these have been on practical issues such as lack of safety, poor technology, and “the culture of negligence,” as I call it. (Why, for example, do most Turkish drivers find bizarre ways to avoid fastening their seatbelts?

Theatre as remedy

Theatre as remedy

The most important domestic threatre festival shall be held from May 26 to June 3, but there shall be no festive atmosphere as Igor Bojovic, Selector of the the 59th Sterijino Pozorje.
