
Tragic Landslide in Papua New Guinea Buries Thousands Alive!

The National Disaster Center of Papua New Guinea has reported a devastating landslide in a remote village in the northern region, burying over 2,000 people beneath the debris. Initially estimated to have claimed around 100 lives, the death toll has tragically soared since the disaster unfolded.

Debris containing different materials may lead ‘pollution mechanism’

In addition to the construction materials in the debris waste, wood, electronic, plastic and metal materials might become a pollution mechanism that threatens the nature and the health of living species in a wide area by mixing with soil and water, says a Greenpeace report.

Works ongoing to remove 101 million tons of quake rubble

Within the scope of efforts to remove tons of rubble following the deadly Feb. 6 quakes, the Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Ministry has assessed that some 101 million tons of debris lie in the quake-hit region, 2 million tons of which can be recycled to contribute to the economy, says a senior official.

UN: By 2050, There Will be More Plastic in the Seas Than Fish

According to a UN report, 30% of fish are already poisoned by plastic, and by 2050 there will be more plastic in the seas than fish. 

How many times have we been out of the store with a plastic bag, and later we are loosing it without thinking that it will remain on our planet longer than us?
