December 2009 Kurdish protests in Turkey

Access ban on online article about sexual abuse allegations 'violation of press freedom': Turkey's Constitutional Court

Turkey's Constitutional Court has found a local court ruling banning access to an online article a "violation of freedom of press and expression," sending the case to an Istanbul court for retrial.

Turkey's key security meeting ends, statement says Iraqi Kurdish referendum illegitimate, unacceptable

Turkey's National Security Council Meeting (MGK) which convened under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ended late on Sept. 22, stressing that the Iraqi Kurdish independence referendum slated for Sept. 25 was illegitimate and unacceptable.

Turkish parliament pushes to ban the word “Kurdistan” in assembly

The Turkish Parliament is attempting to pass an internal rule according to which any MP using the term “Kurdistan” in the country’s national assembly should be be fined. The draft proposal has been approved by the ruling pro-Erdogan AKP party and its nationalist coalition partner MHP. The proposed changes would also ban MPs who abstain from taking the oath of parliamentary privileges.

Gentrifying failure

Turkey's drift from the Western alliance is going to be very painful, and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. As the West has started to perceive Turkey truly as a failing state, the country's rulers have started to feel freer to express their hostility (past and present) toward the West. 

Turkey's 'lost' Kurdish peace bid revealed by ruling AKP

The missing section on the government-led Kurdish peace process, suggesting an expansion of freedoms and rights and continued efforts for the resolution of the process after the elections, has finally been added back into the election manifesto of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).   
