
SYRIZA’s swift and irreversible collapse

Sooner or later, the situation in SYRIZA will come to a head. The conflicts, the fractures, the ousters and the departures will reach some kind of limit. At some point, the only people who will be left in the party will be those who can tolerate one another, those who can exist alongside each other in some semblance of harmony. Or, more simply, too few to break up any further.

Destinations | Athens | To July 14

The exhibition "Destinations," currently on display at Athens International Airport, offers viewers a sense of the magic of theater through precious items used in memorable productions by the National Theater of Greece. Costumes and rare photographic material from the NTG's archives shed light on significant moments in the history of this great cultural institution. 

Job numbers on their way down as the summer ends

The strongly seasonal character of the Greek labor market was clear to see in August's job hiring and departure statistics. The tail end of summer was accompanied by a reduction in the number of jobs by 7,748, mainly due to an increase in redundancies by hotels and food service enterprises - and that was despite hirings in private education.

More job departures than hirings in month of July

More job losses than hirings were recorded in July, the peak of the tourist season, the latest data from the Labor Ministry's Ergani database revealed.

Last month, 239,080 people started new jobs while 247,690 left their positions, producing a negative balance of 8,610. Of the total departures, 96,375 were voluntary and 151,315 comprised contract terminations.

More than half of new jobs are part time, database figures show

Flexible forms of labor are gaining increasing dominance in the Greek job market, an analysis of the Labor Ministry's Ergani database for the first 11 months of the year has shown.

According to data published on Tuesday, 39,221 jobs were lost in November, though 128,230 new ones were created in January to October, making this the best year in job generation since 2001.
