
The fossils of a herbivorous dinosaur, believed to have lived approximately 125 million years ago, have been discovered

The remains of a herbivore dinosaur estimated to have lived around 125 million years ago have been found on the Isle of Wight in England, with scientists believing it is the most complete specimen to have been found in Britain in a century.

Mammals may have hunted down dinosaurs for dinner

An unusual find in China suggests some early mammals may have hunted dinosaur for dinner.

The fossil shows a badgerlike creature chomping down on a small, beaked dinosaur, their skeletons intertwined. The find comes from a site known as "China's Pompeii," where mud and debris from long-ago volcanoes buried creatures in their tracks.

Remains of new species of duck-billed dinosaur found in Chile

Remains of a species of herbivorous dinosaur previously unknown in the southern hemisphere have been discovered in Chile, challenging long-held beliefs about the range of duck-billed dinosaurs, scientists said on June 17.

Measuring up to four meters in length and weighing a ton, Gonkoken nanoi lived 72 million years ago in the extreme south of what is now Chilean Patagonia.

Small carnivorous dinosaur discovered

Fossilized remains of a new species of dinosaur that lived 90 million years ago have been discovered in Patagonia, Argentine paleontologists announced on June 4. 

The winged dinosaur had legs similar to the velociraptor and experts believe it may hold the key to revealing information about the evolution of birds.

Scientists Have Revealed Dinosaurs Last Meal

Researchers have revealed what a 2,800-pound armor-plated dinosaur ate for its last meal before it perished around 110 million years ago.

In 2011, miners accidentally uncovered the fossilized remains of a dinosaur specimen representing the species Borealopelta markmitchelli—a type of nodosaur—at a site near Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada.
