Distributed computing

Streaming films more diverse than cinematic releases

Films released by streaming services are more racially representative and more likely to have female leads than those that debut in theatres, a study released on March 30 showed.

Movies destined for the small screen were almost entirely reflective of the U.S. population, the Hollywood Diversity Report said, with majority-minority casts doing especially well with audiences.

Americans buying more vinyl than CDs for first time in decades

Vinyl records continued to translate their retro appeal into a steady resurgence, outselling compact discs last year in terms of units in the United States for the first time since 1987.

Revenues from the sale of physical records jumped 4 percent in 2022 to $1.7 billion, according to the latest report from the Recording Industry Association of America released on March 9.

Amazing figures continue: what will happen with the NFT trend?

Today, everything is offered as NFT, and the figures that are turning on the market are incredible, but the question is whether this trend will continue.

Is NFT (non-fungible tokens) just a passing internet trend, a potential bubble that will inflate and make worthless millions of dollars invested in it, or will we buy and own more and more digital products in this way in the future?

Irene Skylakaki | December 27

After spending several years in London, Greek singer-songwriter Irene Skylakaki has come back home armed with a new album, "Souvenir." To celebrate the holidays with her fans and showcase some of her new material, the pop artist will be live-streaming a session live from the Poreia Theater on December 27, starting at 7 p.m. The viewing fee is 7 euros.
