
Survey Reveals Growing Distrust of Russia Among Bulgarians, EU Support Rises

A recent Gallup International Balkan study reveals a deepening mistrust of Russia among Bulgarians. Conducted from August 28 to September 5, 2024, the survey shows that 49.9% of Bulgarians prefer their country to align with democratic entities such as the European Union and NATO, while 17.1% lean towards Russia and China. The remaining 25.5% remain undecided.

A major issue in most organizations: The lack of trust

By Dr Pierre Casse, IEDC Professor and Elnura Irmatova, IEDC Research Assistant It is so easy to fade into mistrust and it is so hard to gain trust. Do we think about the importance and essence of trust enough? Mistrust? Mistrust is a natural biological trait that has presumably helped humankind in its evolution. There is a good chance that it saved men and women from risky endeavors.