Diving medicine

Turkish soldiers, Red Crescent help elderly

The Turkish Armed Forces and Red Crescent volunteers helped an elderly man with chronic lung disease get a new oxygen tank on April 17 in eastern Turkey.
Mehmet Kahraman, 81, lives in Sulucem village in Ağri province and suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). When his oxygen tank went empty, he called 156, the emergency number for the Gendarmery Forces.

Swimming and safety

Sea drownings are a scourge for Greece, according to statistics. Figures indicate that this country has one of the highest occurrences of drowning deaths in the European Union, but also on a global scale. In 2018, more people died here as a result of drowning than in Italy which has six times Greece's population.

Experts warn over drownings

Health experts are calling on citizens to show greater caution when swimming in the sea after official figures pointed to more than 400 deaths by drowning last year. 

A total of 413 deaths by drowning were recorded in Greece last year, compared to 400 in nearby Italy, whose population is nearly six times that of Greece. 

Will there be Enough Lifeguards on the Bulgarian Beaches this Summer?

More than 4500 lifeguards for the beaches and open waters and about 10,000 pool rescuers have been trained over the last ten years, said Anton Nalbantov, director of the Bulgarian Red Cross Waterway Service at the opening of the traditional Water Rescue Week. He added that 1300 lifeguards are needed for the beach in Bulgaria.

Lifeguard Challenge: Can you spot who is drowning? (video)

Inflatable rings, splashing families and general activity make it hard to spot the young boy struggling to keep afloat and in danger of drowning. Luckily, the lifeguard on duty spotted him.

Drowning is not as people imagine with the victim usually unable to shout or wave for help. If not rescued somebody can drown within 20-60 seconds.

Six migrants from deadly Mediterranean wreck hospitalized in Crete

Six foreign migrants suffering from hypothermia were being treated at a hospital in Hania on Saturday, with one of them, a young girl, deemed to be in critical condition.

The six patients were rescued after their boat went down 300 miles east of Malta and were flown to Greece, which was the nearest landfall in helicopter range.
