Doctor of Philosophy

Bodossaki Foundation awards 68 scholarships for studies in Greece and abroad

Sixty-eight new recipients of Bodossaki Foundation scholarships will begin their studies at 25 prestigious institutions in Greece and abroad, including Boston University, ETH Zurich and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, it was announced on Thursday.

YÖK introduces new regulations to higher education programs

With an aim to enhance the quality of postgraduate education, the Higher Education Council (YÖK) has introduced new criteria focusing on publications and accreditations.

Accordingly, universities will now need at least one program accreditation for doctoral programs. Moreover, faculty members must meet a minimum publication requirement for both master's and doctoral programs.

Greeks studying in UK will need visas

The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union has created a new environment for EU, and by extension Greek, students at the country's universities.

Indicatively, a visa will be required for the next academic year, while tuition fees will be determined by each individual academic institution. These fees will differ according to the field and level of studies.

Indian academic chronicles his experiences while living in Athens

Tushar Sharma is one of the thousands of Indians who study abroad every year. He is also one of the very few people in his country to have picked a Greek university. Among the 752,000 Indians studying outside the South Asian country, according to the Foreign Ministry in Delhi, he was one of just 10 Indians studying in Greece last year.

Increase in The amount of the Withdrawn Student Credits

50 million leva is the maximum amount of the new government guarantees that the Council of Ministers has approved under the Students and PhD Students Loan Act (LCAS). Credits are granted to Bulgarian citizens, citizens of the EU, EEA and Swiss Confederation and are only for higher education in Bulgaria.

Most PhD graduates in 2005-2015 had to rely on their own resources

Greece acquired nearly 20,000 new doctoral graduates in the 10-year period from 2005 to 2015, data from the National Documentation Center have shown.

Most of the 19,929 PhDs, 46 percent, were aged up to 35 years old, with the 35-44 year-old age bracket accounting for 38.1 percent of new PhDs.

Men were slightly ahead of women at 50.7 and 49.3 percent respectively.
