
Bulgarian PM Borissov: Raising Incomes Will Become a Top Priority For the Governement

,,Raising incomes is a top priority'', Prime Minister Boyko Borisсov said during a German-Bulgarian business forum in Sofia.

He predicts that this summer our country will receive an invitation to the Eurozone waiting room, as we fully meet all the criteria set by the European Central Bank.

Centeno points to credit line

Eurogroup President Mario Centeno told the European Parliament on Wednesday that Greece ought to assess and utilize all the mechanisms and tools at its disposal, thereby retabling the precautionary line of credit, as this is one of the instruments available.

ECB president calls for 'full geographical coverage' of foreclosures

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi on Wednesday said that while Greek authorities have made "welcome" progress in recent weeks to speed up foreclosures and help banks reduce their huge pile of nonperforming loans, more needs to be done "to ensure full geographical coverage across Greece."

ECB's Draghi lends support to under-fire BoG chief Stournaras

Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras is a trusted member of the European Central Bank's Governing Council who has worked hard for Greece's benefit, ECB head Mario Draghi said on Monday in response to a question at the European Parliament about the probe into the Greek central banker in connection with the alleged leaking of the conclusions on Piraeus Bank and Attica Bank.

Greek bank stress tests to start in February?

While underscoring its independence, the European Central Bank suggested on Monday it was still flexible enough to accommodate the repeated demand by the International Monetary Fund for a fresh review of the state of the local credit sector, as it emerged Greek banks will undergo their stress tests earlier than their European Union peers are put through theirs next year.

The relevance of the ECB for Greece

When European Central Bank President Mario Draghi held a scheduled news conference on Thursday, what Greece took away from his comments were words of caution regarding a trial bond issue and that inclusion in the quantitative easing program is not yet on the cards for Athens. The rest of the world, though, was tuning in to a different message.
