Drug policy of the United States

Teenagers arrested outside Athens school on suspicion of drug dealing

Police in Athens have announced the arrest of two teenagers outside a primary school on suspicion of drug dealing.

The two boys, who were arrested Thursday in the central district of Sepolia, were found to be in possession of 160 grams of cannabis.

Police also arrested a 34-year-old man for drug possession. He is believed to have purchased the drugs from the 15 year old.

Germany Takes Bold Step: Partially Liberalizes Cannabis Market with New Legislation

Germany embarks on a groundbreaking shift in drug policy as it implements new legislation aimed at partially liberalizing the cannabis market. With the enforcement of this law, individuals will now have regulated access to marijuana, albeit under stringent conditions, marking a significant departure from previous approaches to drug regulation.

Police make drug arrests on Rhodes and Crete

A police officer was among five suspects arrested on the southeastern Aegean island of Rhodes on drugs-related charges last weekend, authorities said on Tuesday.
According to police, the arrests were made during raids on the suspects' homes on Sunday which yielded around 400 grams of cannabis and nine marijuana plants.

Albania Opposition Urges Interior Minister to Quit

Albanian Interior Minister Sajmir Tahiri told parliament that he does not intend to resign and called on the General Prosecutor to investigate oposition claims about his alleged crime links to drugs smugglers.

The opposition claims Tahiri has links to drug dealers and that the police have been infiltrated by criminal elements that protect the drug traffic routes.