Economic Outlook

Warnings on post-RRF GDP

Indications are growing that despite outperforming the European Union average in terms of growth and public finances, the Greek economy has not developed the momentum that would allow high performance to be achieved in the medium term. On the contrary, forecasts point to a slowdown after the Recovery and Resilience Fund's resources are exhausted.

OECD: Global Recovey Prospects Are Unneven but Europe's Outlook Is Rising

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) issued a warning saying that the "uneven" global economic recovery provokes worse forecasts related to global economy. OECD lowered its 2021 growth forecasts for the world, including pessimistic expectations about US. Still the Organisation raised the outlook for Europe, EPA reported.

Kristalina Georgieva: We Expect the Worst Economic Fallout Since Great Depression

The global coronavirus pandemic is causing an unprecedented economic crisis and will require a massive response to secure a recovery, IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva said on Thursday, BGNES reports.

She warned that "global growth will turn sharply negative in 2020," with 170 of the International Monetary Fund's 180 members experiencing a decline in per capita income.

IMF revises medium-term growth rate downward

The International Monetary Fund has upwardly revised its short-term forecasts while lowering its medium-term forecasts for Greek growth in its October 2018 World Economic Outlook, which will be published on Tuesday in the context of its annual meeting in Bali, Indonesia this week. Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos will also be present at the event.
