Economy of Greece

ATHEX: Seven-week high for local bourse index

The main index at the Greek stock market climbed to a new seven-week high on Monday with banks and a few more blue chips leading the rest of the bourse higher on a day of relatively low turnover. The trend of the market remains upward after the previous months' decline, and the year-end window dressing promises even greater gains for local stocks.

ATHEX: Benchmark climbs to new six-week high

A universal push higher by Greek stocks sent the benchmark of the local bourse to a six-week high on Thursday, as it smashed through the 1,200-point level with ease, outperforming most other eurozone markets. This was the fifth consecutive session of gains for the main index at Athinon Avenue, with a notable increase in turnover too.

Short-term rentals account for 1.65% of Greek GDP

Short-term rentals (STRs) booked through online marketplaces comprise 21.5% of all overnight stays by tourists in Greece and make a great contribution to the country's gross domestic product, according to a research report presented by Professor George Doukidis at the Prodexpo Real Estate Conference on Thursday.

The upgrade is not a one-act play

We were very late in succeeding, but, even now it is recognized that the sacrifices and reforms made in the last 10 years in Greece following the country's debt crisis have had a positive effect. That is why two international rating agencies have recently removed Greek bonds from the "junk" category and upgraded them to investment status.

ATHEX: Moderate advance on thin trading

Tuesday saw the benchmark at Athinon Avenue avoid another decline as it held on to some of its gains and ended the day in the black and on a week-high, albeit on reduced turnover. On Wednesday the Greek bourse is entering the three-day period for the floating of Optima, the first bank to be listed on the Greek stock market since the end of the financial crisis.

Greece’s trade deficit shrinks by 21% in July

Greece's trade deficit shrank by 21% in July as imports fell more than exports in the month, the Hellenic Statistical Authority said in a report on the country's merchandise trade.

The value of imports totaled 6.721 billion euros in July, down 17% from July 2022 (excluding oil products, imports fell 3.9%, while excluding oil products and ships, imports fell 4%).
