
Crest resembling Great Wall to be promoted

In a bid to promote tourism in the region, efforts will be made to bring public attention on a global scale to the Central Anatolian province of Sivas' Diş Cliffs, commonly referred to as the "natural Great Wall of China."

Diş Cliffs are an important geological landform that has not been discovered by many, Sivas Governor Yılmaz Şimşek told local media during a visit to the region.

‘Climate change is the challenge of our lifetime,’ sustainable tourism expert says in Kathimerini summit

Doug Lansky, a specialist in sustainable tourism, spoke on the global state of the sector as part of the "Reimagine Tourism in Greece" summit held by Kathimerini. Among the topics he covered were air travel, single-use plastics, eco-tourism and water management.

Amanos Mountains to open to ecotourism

Following Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu's statements on Amanos Mountains in Türkiye's south that it has been cleared of terrorists, the region is expected to be opened to ecotourism, according to the Regional Directorate of Forestry.

The Amanos Mountains, in which the security forces have actively struggled against the PKK since 1992, has been completely cleared of the terrorism.

Climate expert calls for truly green tourism

Postojna – Climate expert Lučka Kajfež Bogataj called for truly green tourism at a round table debate held as part of Days of Slovenian Tourism in Postojna on Wednesday. “If we are selling green, let’s become truly green,” she said, pointing to criteria such as energy use per tourist night, water consumption and the amount of food waste.

Guesthouses in the Danube Delta, up to 95 pct booked for Easter mini-holiday

Booking rates for tourist accommodation establishments in the Danube Delta for the Easter mini-holiday is up to 95%, but some economic agents, especially those whose incomes depended on foreign tourism, claim that, although theoretically they are 100% booked, they practically cannot carry out their activity.
