Elder law

Thessaloniki man arrested for allegedly abusing his elderly father

Police in Thessaloniki are investigating a suspected case of elder abuse after an 82-year-old man accused his son of beating him.

State broadcaster ERT on Tuesday reported that the man was admitted to the northern port city's Papanikolaou Hospital on Monday night with injuries to his head and ribs, which, he told the doctor who examined him, had been caused by his son.

‘Türkiye’s elderly population to surpass 9.5 mln in 2025’

Türkiye currently falls into the category of countries with a significant elderly population as of 2023, according to criteria set by the U.N. Population Fund, with experts noting that the anticipated projection of the population aged 65 and over will exceed 9.5 million next year.

Türkiye about to be ‘old country:’ Statistics

The percentage of elderly people in the total population has reached 9.7, with only 0.3 percent left to call Türkiye an "old country," the statistics have showed.

According to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), the number of the people over the age of 65 in Türkiye is exactly 8,245,124. Country's total population is around 84 million.

Gap between young and old widening

Ljubljana – Slovenia’s society is ageing quite significantly, shows data released by the Statistics Office for International Youth Day, observed on Friday. The number of those between the ages of 15 and 29 dropped by 15% over the past decade, while the number of those aged 65 or more increased by 29%.

Number of elderly people rises by 24 pct in 5 years: Minister

The number of the elderly people in Türkiye has risen by 24 percent in the last five years, the country's family and social services minister has said.

Derya Yanık made a presentation to the U.N. European Economic Commission's "Ageing Conference," held in Italy's capital Rome, about the latest data on the country's elderly people.

Commission to evaluate problems of elderly people

The Turkish parliament has established a commission, following a joint proposal by five political parties, to evaluate the problems of the country's elderly people and produce solutions for them.

The move came after Parliament Speaker Mustafa Şentop's call, on behalf of the elderly, in a speech at a ceremony on "Respect to Elderlies Week" between March 18 and 24.

'Seniors' curfew aided Turkey's fight against pandemic'

Turkey has its elders to thank for abiding orders to stay home and thus making the COVID-19 pandemic manageable, the head of a seniors' advocacy group told Hürriyet Daily News.

But there is need for more cooperation and coordination among government, local administrations and civil society to make their lives easier, according to Gülüstü Salur.