
Presumptive income and justice

Let's not hide behind our finger anymore. Tax disparities between wage earners/pensioners and the self-employed have always been glaring. Enforcing the presumptive minimum income for the self-employed does not cure the problem, but it mitigates it noticeably.

Bulgaria's Informal Employment Rate Stands Out as One of the Lowest in Europe

Informal employment, which refers to work without formal contracts or social benefits, is a widespread issue globally. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 58% of the world's workforce is engaged in such informal labor. This figure highlights the prevalence of non-contracted work across various sectors.

Bulgaria's INSAIT Receives Global Attention: Students Selected from 56 Countries for Prestigious Internships

The Bulgarian Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Technology (INSAIT), affiliated with Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", has garnered international acclaim as university students from 56 countries vie for internships at the esteemed institution.
