Energy efficiency in Europe

Brussels Rebukes Bulgaria for Missing Energy Efficiency Report

The European Commission initiated a new infringement procedure against Bulgaria on Thursday for failing to submit a report on the energy performance of buildings as required by the directive. A notification letter was sent to the Bulgarian government, reminding it to provide the European Commission with a report on the optimal costs related to building energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency study shows room for improvement in public sector and companies

Ljubljana – The REUS study on energy efficiency in Slovenia has once again focused on the public and services sectors. Since the previous such study, seven years ago, much has changed regarding legislation and circumstances, however the situation leaves plenty of room for improvement in both sectors, the results of the latest survey indicate.

Bulgaria Has Met 74% of its National Energy Savings Target by 2020.

As a result of the implementation of energy saving measures in all sectors of the economy, as well as the contribution of all debtors, 6,167 GWh of energy were saved in Bulgaria for the period 2014-2018. In doing so, the country has met 74.1% of its national energy savings target by 2020.

'Energy Union Starts to Take Shape', EU Commission Says

The EU has made 'much progress' since the adoption of the Energy Union Framework Strategy nine months ago, the European Commission said on Wednesday.

While much remains to be done, next year will be important year of delivery, the Commission said in the State of the Energy Union Report published on Wednesday for the first time.