
Triple Jump of Cancer Patients in Bulgaria for 37 Years

Triple jump in cancer patients for 37 years, from 1980 to the 2017. This shows data from the National Center for Public Health and Analysis, which latest data is from two years ago.

Of the 113,336 developed various carcinomas in the 1980s, by 2017 the number of cancer patients in Bulgaria reached 292,721.

Six New Cases of Measles Registered in Kyustendil Area for the Past Week

Six new cases of measles have been registered on the territory of Kyustendil region for the past week, Surveillance of Contagious Diseases Directorate, Regional Health Inspection - Kyustendil, told Focus Radio, Kyustendil. The first case of the disease was established in March. For April, cases have increased by another six, and last week there were six new cases of measles.

Seven Cases of Measles Confirmed in Burgas

Seven were the measles cases found in Burgas, confirmed for Darik the health inspectorate. Only two new cases have been registered in the last week of April, it is clear from the RHI bulletin.

The first case of measles for this year in the area was from early March.

What the general country report shows - in Bulgaria, the cases of the disease are well over 120.

460 Infected with Measles in Bulgaria, 20 of them are Hospital Staff

There are currently 460 measles patients in our country, 20 of which are working in hospitals, the chief state health inspector, Dr. Angel Kunchev, told BNT. He stressed on the need to vaccinate everyone who, for their work, are more exposed to infection - not only medical but also technical and security staff.
