
Turkey's unconvincing narrative is its own worst enemy

When he rose to power and launched "pro-democracy" reforms in the first few years of his governance [fake reforms, this columnist has persistently argued since] then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had a golden opportunity: An Islamist leader winning praise across almost the entire world, East and West. 

Turkey's soft power in Africa

Just two days before President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan arrived in Somalia on June 3, the al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist organization al-Shabaab attacked a hotel in Mogadishu, the capital of the country, killing at least 15 people. Most strikingly the Ambassador Hotel is where Erdoğan and his delegation had stayed in their previous visit to Somalia.

Erdogan: Turkey may abandon EU

BELGRADE - Turkish president Erdogan has threatened to "leave" Europe to deal with its migrant crisis alone, saying that Germany "blackmailed" Ankara by recognizing the Armenian Genocide. He also called out the Germans over their "history" of mass killings.
