Ethical investment

Change in planning

The agricultural sector faces many problems but also challenges, and not only in Greece.

Establishing financial incentives is a positive step, but it must then be combined with an overall strategic plan for the sustainable reconstruction of the primary sector, its reorientation to new crops and its adaptation to the conditions of the climate crisis{

Bulgarian Enterprises Mandated to Include Sustainability Reports in Annual Activity Statements

The Bulgarian Parliament has approved amendments to the Accounting Law, mandating that enterprises include a sustainability report in their activity reports. This new requirement, effective for the 2024 accounting year, aims to provide a comprehensive view of corporate sustainability by analyzing both financial and socio-economic impacts of a company's activities.

The EC has Proposed that Nuclear Energy and Natural Gas be Classified as “Green”

The European Commission proposed on Wednesday that nuclear energy and natural gas be classified as sustainable for the period of transition to a carbon-neutral economy.

"The reason for the inclusion of gas and nuclear energy is that we firmly believe that these energy sources are necessary for the transition," said EU Financial Services Commissioner Mairead McGuinness.