European Parliament

Government accuses SYRIZA and Independent Greeks of 'clear alliance'

Government spokeswoman Sofia Voultepsi accused SYRIZA on Monday of forming a “clear alliance” with Independent Greeks to prevent a president from being elected, which would lead to snap elections.

“What we are seeing is incredible,” said Voultepsi in reference to the recent bribery allegations made by Independent Greeks. She accused SYRIZA of profiting form these claims.

Independent Greeks leader backs MP's bribery claims, threatens to release video [Update]

At an emergency press conference on Friday, Independent Greeks leader Panos Kammenos backed allegations by his MP Pavlos Haikalis according to which a middleman tried to bribe the latter to vote for the coalition's candidate for president.

Gov't spokeswoman says bribery claims 'badly-played charade,' heralds legal action if evidence not produced

Responding to claims by Independent Greeks deputy Pavlos Haikalis on Friday that an unidentified individual tried to bribe him to vote in favor of the coalition's candidate in the first round of presidential elections earlier this week, government spokeswoman Sofia Voultepsi called for any evidence backing the claims to be made public immediately and for legal action to be taken if the claims p
