Experimental film

Athens’ Andora movie theater reinvents itself as Newman

Andora, one of Athens' historic movie theaters, in the Panormou district, is relaunching itself under the name Newman and after a radical revamp that has equipped it with stage, sound, screen and lighting systems.

Newman aims to operate as an open multi-purpose arts venue, showcasing selected films, festival premieres and special screenings of contemporary avant-garde cinema. 

Experimental | Athens | March 15-17

Eight acts from the experimental music scenes of Athens and Berlin have been invited by the Goethe Institute in Athens to provide musical accompaniment for a selection of avant-garde films from the 1910s and 20s by Ernst Lubitsch and Walter Ruttmann. The screenings on March 15, 16 and 17 start at 8.30 p.m. and admission is free of charge.