Fare evasion

Transport inspections are boosted to stop fare dodgers

Inspections are being increased on buses and trolley-buses in an attempt by the Athens Urban Transport Organization (OASA) to boost revenues as transport authority data suggest that one in 20 people commute without a ticket.
Similar inspections are also being stepped up at Athens metro and ISAP electric railway stations to crack down on fare dodgers.

Extension granted for reduced fare tickets, but issue of tourists unresolved

Beneficiaries of a 50-percent reduction on public transport, like students and over-65s, have another week to obtain a personalized travel card as the Athens transport authority (OASA) tries to phase out the widespread use of non-personalized tickets non-beneficiaries.

Fare dodgers on the decline on Athens transport system

The Greek capital's public transport operator OASA announced a 12.12 percent increase in revenues in July, when measures went into effect as part of a crackdown on fare dodging on buses, the Athens metro and the ISAP electric railway.

These measures included a ban on passengers boarding buses via the back door as well as the activation of ticket barriers at metro and ISAP stations.
