
Editorial: A risky decision

The tragedy of the deadly train crash at Tempe brought pain, sadness and anger to all Greek households.

Every resident of this country rightly wonders how it is possible for so many people to die because a train station employee did not turn a key and because the state diachronically did not take care to protect the lives of citizens.

"It's your fault!" Criticism in a relationship

I've lost count of couples who state that the basic problem in their relationship is lack of communication. Few people seek the true cause of their communication breakdown. What were the factors that stopped them from daily contact, that cause them to fight over the same things over and over and talk about the same issues but still not understand one another?

Facebook under fire over 'creepy' secret study

Facebook secretly manipulated the feelings of 700,000 users to understand "emotional contagion" in a study that prompted anger and forced the social network giant on the defensive.
For one week in 2012, Facebook tampered with the algorithm used to place posts into users' news feeds to study how this affected their mood, all without their explicit consent or knowledge.