Feminist theory

Woman’s Day marked by warnings of violence against women

Ljubljana – The Slovenian PEN Centre and Mira, the women’s committee at the centre, warned of violence against women ahead of Woman’s Day, 8 March, while the Manager Association warned of inequalities at work, aggravated by the Covid-19 epidemic. A number of online discussions on the problems and potential of women will be held today.

‘Let’s Escape’ at Sanatorium

Sanatorium presents French artist Agnès Guillaume's first solo exhibition in Turkey, 'Let's Escape.'

As an escape of the tangible and against any kind of certitude or single mindset, the exhibition is a call to come back to reality with a more open-mind, critical, and personal gaze.

The exhibition can be seen between Feb 18 and April 4.


Rd 86 pct of Romanian citizens believe women and men have equal rights (survey)

Round 86 pct of Romanian citizens believe that women and men have equal rights, according to an opinion barometer conducted in order to measure the public perception of the SDG5 Sustainable Development Goal - Gender Equality. "Nearly three quarters of respondents (73 pct) consider that gender does not matter in working relationships.

For Montenegro’s Female Journalists, Equality is a Myth

As a result, I was condemned by the community and subjected to a torrent of insults and name-calling because I was a woman violating the customary rules.

I was threatened with guns and rape, which I duly reported to the police, who duly failed to react. Those were the years of war heroes and brave men, and women were important only because they bore sons who would go into war.

Social media illusions

If you follow those who only complain about negativities around them but offer no solutions, it becomes easy to believe that the world is no longer a place that can be lived. 
Yes, we do encounter many incidents that make life unbearable. We know that every era comes with its unique and seemingly unsolvable problems, just as we experience today.

Conference to celebrate two decades in women's studies

The 20th year of the Gender and Women?s Studies Graduate Program is now being celebrated with a three-day event, the International Conference on Knowledge and Politics in Gender and Women?s Studies, between Oct 9 and 11 at ODTÜAnkara?s Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) institutionalized feminism and began its quest to give master?s diplomas to people from different generations of feminist
