Financial crises

Greek coalition concerned troika inspection may drag on

The International Monetary Fund’s denial of reports that it will host a discussion on Greek debt relief in November and Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s insistence that no talks on the next phase for the Greek economy can be held until the troika review due to begin at the end of September, have heightened concern in Athens that it could be in limbo for the next few months.

Greece posts primary surplus of 1.95 bln euros in first 8 months of year

Greece recorded a primary surplus of 1.95 billion euros in the first eight months of the year, ahead of a projected target of 962 million euros, Alternate Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said on Friday, noting however that revenues had dwindled slightly due to the postponement of the collection of the first installment of the new unified property tax (ENFIA).

In talks with Draghi, Hardouvelis expresses opposition to third loan program

In talks with European Central Bank President Mario Draghi in Milan, Greek Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis has reiterated the Greek government's opposition to the prospect of a third loan program for the country, which is just beginning to see signs of an economic upturn following a recession exacerbated by four years of austerity.
