Financial markets

Greece's 'desperate households'

Greek households generally own their home and have a car; they often have a house in the village their family hails from too. However, their bank accounts are shrinking, their loans are not being serviced as promptly as they used to be and their liquidity is close to zero.

Turkey's treasury to pave way for int'l investors to issue FX securities

Turkey's treasury is set to pave the way for foreign investors to issue foreign exchange-based securities as part of the Istanbul Finance Center project, in a move to attract more foreign investors into the country's capital markets, a top economy official has announced. 

QE a distant hope for Greece

Greece's entry into the European Central Bank's quantitative easing (QE) program keeps getting put off, just as criticism is mounting over the effectiveness of the bond-buying program and the potential legal hazards for Frankfurt - concerns that are doing nothing to make it easier for the country to get on board.

Turkish Central Bank lowers reserve option coefficients

The Central Bank has lowered its reserve option coefficient, a move that will provide approximately $620 million in liquidity to Turkey's financial system.
According to a statement from the Bank issued on Oct. 31, the coefficients for the second, third and fourth tranches of the foreign exchange facility of the Reserve Option Mechanism have been decreased by 0.2 points.        

Real estate and construction are definitely causing more headaches than companies in the manufacturing or food sectors"

DUTB is focused on facilitating the restructuring of banks, running the privatisation process and the settling the state's liabilities. Which financial institutions (e.g. investment banks, private equity houses, corporations…) are the most interested in your assets?
