Finns Party

Finland's conservative party picks ministers for right-wing coalition government

Finland's conservative National Coalition Party, the winner of April's general election, on Sunday unveiled its picks for key Cabinet posts in the upcoming government that observers say will be the most right-wing in the Nordic country's recent history.

Finns Reject Holding of Referendum on EU Membership

The petition for holding a referendum on Finland's membership of the EU did not collect enough signatures in order to be discussed in Parliament, reported Reuters.

The idea of Fixit was proposed by the youth wing of the Eurosceptic Finns Party (previously known as the True Finns) which is part of the government.

Eurogroup: Finns push for Greece to leave EZ

Three Finnish large Finnish news channels – MTV3, HS and YLE – are all reporting that Finland wants Greece out of the Eurozone. The usually outspoken Finnish FinMin Alexander Stubb did not make a statement on his arrival. The right-wing, euro-sceptic True Finns that are coalition partners in the new Finnish government are pushing for a Grexit.

Businessman wins Finnish vote, immigrants go to parliament

Two immigrant candidates, Turkish-born Ozan Yanar and Afghani-born Nasima Razymar, have been voted into Finnish parliament, while a millionaire and former telecoms executive, touted as a technocrat capable of rescuing Finland from its economic slump, won the weekend's parliamentary election.

Finns must end squabbles over Greece and fix own woes, Rehn says

By Raine Tiessalo & Kati Pohjanpalo

Finland?s election is a clear call for politicians to stop arguing over the fate of Greece and instead turn their attention to their own economic troubles.

That?s according to Olli Rehn, the former European Union economics chief and a member of the Center Party that won Sunday?s election.

Finland's Juha Sipilä Wins General Vote

Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb has admitted defeat in parliamentary elections held in the country on Sunday, with his party coming second.

The opposition Centre Party, led by millionaire former IT businessman Juha Sipilä, has won with 21.2% of the vote, while support for Stubb's National Coalition Party (NCP) was at 18.2%.

Ex-Businessman to Win Finland Parliamentary Election

Juha Sipila, a former IT businessman who headed the Center Party a few years ago, is set to win Finland's general poll held Sunday.

An official projection by public broadcaster YLE suggests Siplia's Center Party is likely to get 46 seats, while the National Coalition Party of PM Alexander Stubb will have 37 seats in the 200-strong Parliament.