Fisheries law

Turkey tracks cable work in Cyprus EEZ

The Turkish Navy is keeping a close eye on the work of the Italian vessel Teliri, which is to lay telecommunication cables within Cyprus' exclusive economic zone (EEZ) that will stretch to Greece and then to Italy. The vessel, which is expected to sail into a potential Greek EEZ in July, is sailing southwest of Cyprus under discreet surveillance by the Turkish Navy corvette Bartin.

Türkiye: NAVTEX south of Rhodes and east of Crete within the potential Greek continental shelf – Greece’s response

This area has been unilaterally and arbitrarily declared to the UN with the well-known Turkish letters as the Turkish EEZ - Turkey yesterday issued another NAVTEX with which it stood against Cyprus

From the Baltic to the Aegean: Greece and the Three Seas Initiative

Over the past two years an area south of Greece's Peloponnese had become a major location to circumvent sanctions against Russian oil exports. It looks like Greece has now found a way to disrupt these operations - taking place in international waters - after the Greek navy blocked off the area for naval exercises.

Turkish fishermen wrap up season with hunting ban

With the conclusion of the fishing season in the Turkish seas, the annual hunting ban has commenced to ensure wildlife conservation and sustainable resource management.

In a statement declaring the fishing ban starting from April 15, Agriculture and Forestry Minister İbrahim Yumaklı said that this year's season witnessed a bountiful catching.
